Residential/Home Furnishings is a P&B product category that deals with the ways and means of furnishing private living spaces. Appreciating the increasing demand for unique fixtures, P&B provides its customers the ability to personalize purchase orders within the framework of its design catalogue. Residential/Home Furnishings is divided into two sub-categories: (1) branded line and (2) private label.

            The branded line of Home Furnishings includes all lines of the P&B product that are designed in-house. These products are displayed and sold in P&B showrooms, exhibitions, and in the company shop in Makati. Moreover, they are sold ex factory in general purchase orders. Recent innovations in the branded line include P&B’s rendition of the Orient Express, classical nautical furniture (i.e., Voyager), and the traditional Dojo.

               By contrast, the private label pertains exclusively to the custom line of the P&B product. A private label is designed and developed in strict collaboration with the intended customer. The private label, then, represents the custom capabilities of P&B. Products of the private label appear not so much in exhibitions and showrooms, but in hospitality settings such as hotels, resorts and restaurants. However, in some instances, as with Newland Tarlton Safaris, P&B furnishes purely expeditionary (i.e., outdoor) operations. Unlike the products of the branded line, private label products are exclusive and shipped directly to the client who redistribute the product under their own label.

Want a good DEAL?

We offer eclectic lines of classical residential and hospitality/contract furnishings. We produce quality handcrafted products in several themes that include Campaign, Voyager, Orient Express, Dojo, Indochine, Visual Displays, Clubs and Contracts. We do custom design as well.